Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Creating Miracles

When something in the world happens that is out of the ordinary and different then what normally happens, it is called a miracle.    The whole miracle of the splitting of the sea was that the  water went against its nature!   The nature of water is to flow, but this time, the water stood up creating a wall.

We all have the power to create our own miracles!  Every single time we go against our nature, and make a change for the positive it is a miracle.  For example, if a mothers natural instinct is to yell when the children aren't meeting an expectation, and she takes a few minutes to breath and react calmly instead, this is a MIRACLE!

Working on ourselves, and transforming small interactions as they come up, may seem like  no big deal.  But that struggle, (to yell or to speak calmly, to punish out of anger or to talk things out later with patience, to find ways to motivate  proper behavior rather then criticize, to spend those few extra minutes cuddling at bed time and listening to what is on our child's mind...)  these small things make a HUGE difference to a child!

Our kids notice everything. They notice our moods, and our behaviors.  When a child observes a parent change their initial negative reaction to a positive one ,  it shows them they can  do the same!  Every time we change a moment that could have been a negative one into a positive one, it is a huge victory!  We sometimes need to stop and pat ourselves on the back for these internal victories!

1 comment:

Ask Teacher Pam said...

Terrific post! Great example with the yelling. And you are so pithy to compare the differences between the every day and the not every day and call it "a miracle"--it certainly can be!!!!!