Sunday, November 27, 2011

Finding The Time to Stay Fit

Being a mom and finding time to work out can be very challenging!  There are so many benefits to exercise, that finding that time to make it happen can really affect ones whole day in a positive way.  Some of the benefits of exercise include :  weight control, helps fight health conditions and disease,  Improved mood, boost of energy, and best of all helps you sleep better!  

I like to workout at 6am, because I know that I will have no excuse later that I am "too tired"  or "didn't have time."  It is a time that we agreed as a family that if my children wake up while I am working out, they can go to my husband for whatever they need and play games without interrupting my workout time.  Not only does it work out so well, I also feel my kids are getting the message that moms also need time to themselves! Setting times to do things that make us happy, can help us have more energy when we are with our children!

One way to make working out part of our busy lives is to sit down and really figure out the best time of the day that everyone agrees will be moms workout time.  If it is a time that the kids are home,  everyone in the family  knows mom is working out and dad (or someone else) is in charge.
 Exercise should be fun!  If you are doing something you hate, it wont last too long, so finding something that keeps you moving, but is still enjoyable is key to staying successful.  Even just turning up the music and dancing will burn calories and get your mood up!


Anonymous said...

Excellent and motivating, Rivkie! When my kids were younger, I would exercise at 6:00 a.m., sometimes even 5:00 a.m. before my children and husband were awake. When my schedule would allow, I would also exercise right after getting them to school. Now I work with children and find your blog very motivating to continue exercising for the physical and mental energy it provides! :)

CR said...

Great post, Rivkie! Although I don't think I have the strength to peel myself out of my warm bed at 6AM, I agree that you have to find a time to work out and make your family respect that time. I feel like I am a better Mom after taking and making that time!

Rivkie Brownstein said...

I totally agree cr, everyone needs to find a time that works for them! some people might fall off the treadmill at am, lol! :)

Anonymous said...

What type of workout can you do in your home at 6am? I tried videos, but that wouldn't work at 6am.

Rivkie Brownstein said...

keepingitup, doing videos and running on the treadmill work for me at that time. Other options can be running/walking outside. Joining a gym nearby... why don't videos work for you in the morning? If they are too noisy, maybe a quiet video like pilates or yoga can work, and then you can replace somewhere you might normally drive to (like maybe picking up your kids at school) with a power walk later on for cardio... would any of these ideas work for you?