Friday, March 2, 2012

Tips To Keeping Your Home Clean And Organized:

Feeling more relaxed, being a good role model to your children and getting more accomplished during the day, are just a few benefits to being organized. Here are a few tips that can help you get started:

1) Make Cleaning Part Of Your Routine: 
Just as taking a shower and eating are part of ones daily routine, so too cleaning and organizing should be.  Cleaning and organizing can become a habit when it is put on the "to do list."   

2) Create A Starting And Ending Point:

Think of your home as a maze. Start at the same place every day. As you go  from room to room, put everything  in its place. Taking the time to find a place for everything is well worth it! Throw out all garbage, pile up papers to look through, straighten up beds, and sweep each room.  

3) Have Specific Days Planned For Chores:  

Choosing a specific day to clean the fridge, the windows and  the bathrooms for example, can help you get things done.  If you have cleaning help,  other things can be put on this list.   Going through papers, sorting drawers and  making the shopping list are some examples.

4) Cleanup Before Kids Bedtime:

Singing your favorite clean up song and having the kids help out, can  get them used to a clean up routine.  Try making a game out of it!  Each child can be in charge of  a specific corner.  The children can drop toys off  that belong in the others' corner and the toys will be clean in no time!  Putting laundry in the hamper can be turned into a game of basketball by hanging a hoop over the hamper.  

1 comment:

Mussi said...

Thanks!! Gr8 tips especially the maze one- it really works for me